Monday, February 25, 2013

Theresa Lord - Makeup & Bridal Stylist: Picnic Baby Shower

I recently assisted with organising my dear friends' baby shower.? I have never been to a baby shower before, so to be part of the organisation was something I was really looking forward to.? I wanted to share the overall experience and some pictures from the day since having a family is a natural step once married (or before too!).? I took the opportunity to be photographer for the day, a passion I have missed from pursuing my other interests.

My friend decided on a vintage inspired theme.?? The colour theme was going to be aqua and watermelon, which was a gorgeous modern spin on baby pink and blue.? With her family home having the most divine front yard, and being summer, she decided on a picnic style theme.? We gathered picnic blankets, stools and small tables to give the guests a relaxed space and atmosphere to enjoy the celebration.? The front yard has a few trees, so we strung up lanterns and decorations in the trees which created the perfect vintage feel.

The food was definitely a highlight, along with the food styling.? I was excited, as I made cupcakes for the event, which is is a favourite hobby of mine.? I have two other posts, which include my love for cupcake making!? Unfortunately I was unable to find watermelon and aqua cupcake holders, but I substituted this with gorgeous baby pink and blue holders.? Watermelon and mint punch was served in beautiful glass jars with striped straws.? Guests had the option to bring a plate of food, which was placed on a large trestle table covered with a delightful red and white polka dot tablecloth.? Watermelon was cut into wedges and served, which added a burst of colour and a refreshing treat on such a hot day.


Picnic blankets were perfect for little ones to crawl around on and bean bags were placed under umbrellas to enjoy.? After the food and drink we all gathered to enjoy present opening time.? Guests had purchased the most beautiful gifts and the newborn will be such a stylish little girl!? It was lovely to see how much thought had gone into choosing presents.

With the celebration over, I can now confidently help organise baby showers!? Event management is something I love, be it weddings, birthdays or baby showers.? The fun and excitement of arranging it, followed by being part of such special occasions always brings me joy.


ufc145 chimpanzee chimpanzee the lucky one pittsburgh pirates mariners mets

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